Author Topic: kas to mace trip  (Read 2772 times)

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Offline doll

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kas to mace trip
« on: October 12, 2005, 05:18:08 AM »
yesterday i did the trip to mace to renew my visa
we caught a bus at the oto station going to kas via kalkan and other little towns the journey took 2 hours
we got to kas and went down to the harbour,which is to the right, at station,down bank.
we got on the ALTUG BOAT captained by selo
where we waited for customs police to see us and take passports
it took 1/2 an hour to travel to the most lovely little horseshoe shaped bay which is mace,there is a duty free shop,restauarants,little shops to buy greek groceries very quaint.
the bread shop was lovely and you need euros to pay as it is a greek island there is a bank and hole in the wall there.
its a lovely day out
the cost are 7 ytl each way on bus
             40ytl for the boat
             passport visa 15 euros
much cheaper than prices seen advertised for £60.

Offline teresa321

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kas to mace trip
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2005, 17:26:01 PM »
Thanks doll

We knew about the advertised trip and we did feel we would be able to do it cheaper but didn't know how it worked.

Another forum tip for my pot - this place is magic


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