"Not to offend the non- christians".
Who could these be, I wonder?
Let's ban meat and therefore not offend Hindus.
Ban bacon and not offend Jews. (I'd rather that than ban foreskins, please).
Ban alcohol and not offend the Muslims.
Ban electricity and not offend the Amish.
Will we be closing the churches next?
Ban the crucifix?
I'll never, ever be allowed to be cross again. I'll have to be angry or miffed.
Churches. Crucifixes. Cross. Christian.
There's only a few "C" words I can think of that are left and they include words to describe Cadbury.
What a crock of crap.
Of course, the owners of Cadbury are American and they don't care.
They don't really "get" Easter over there. It's not even a public holiday.
Christmas next. Winterval or whatever it is to become.
I feel a bit miffed and I shoudn't because I'm a blooming athiest!
........and I like Cadbury's chocolate, especially the Bourneville Plain.
My principles are not strong enopugh to exclude Cadbury chocolate from my diet but I am miffed at their decision.