CBF members being excluded, terrible terrorist attacks across the world, Turkey in turmoil,
Surely time for a bit of fun for a good cause – the 2016 Olympic Games Fund Raiser.
The “rules” are very simple. If you wish to take part, and there is absolutely no pressure to do so, you pledge to donate a set amount of money for each medal that Team UK win. You are of course free to choose which colour of medal you want to pledge for and it needs only be one of the three.
I thought the amount of the pledged donations might be as in 2012 - 3 lira for every Gold medal, 2 lira for every Silver medal and 1 lira for each Bronze medal.
But PLEASE, if you want to take part but would rather pledge 1 lira for each gold or silver or bronze model won, then that’s perfectly fine. After all, if no members chose gold or silver but 10 members chose bronze and the team won the same number as in 2008, we will have made 150 lira.
Or you could pledge on a “spread” donation.
Total of 20-30 medals = donation of 10 lira; Total of 30-40 medals = donation of 20 lira; Total of 40-50 medals = donation of 25 lira and over 50 medals = 30 lira
If anyone would rather the amount they are pledging be kept private then send me a PM and I will add it to any total we have. But be assured that I will post on the Forum that you helped the kids.
As a Guide, Team UK won a total of 47 medals in 2008 (19 Golds, 13 Silvers and 15 Bronzes) and in the massively successful 2012 games the team won 65 medals (27 Golds, 17 Silvers and 19 Bronzes).
I know members (the usual suspects if I may call them that) who will once again consider supporting the 3 C’s Charity with this. But if you haven’t participated before and if you have been helped in some way by the Forum, why not give something back, however small – the 20-30 medal spread donation is less than the price of two Efes.
I will convert the amount of your donation back into GBP to make things easier.