Author Topic: Manos Park, All Inc,  (Read 5974 times)

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Re: Manos Park, All Inc,
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2016, 10:05:01 AM »
The Manas Park in Olu Deniz is always our first choice

Very Turkish cuisine and atmosphere when we have stayed in the past there were quite a few Brits Dutch German and Turkish. Earlier this year we were moved as the hotel was not ready to open in May and we stayed at the Sun City which was a nice hotel and a good choice of food but was a bit too British for us.

Eating out is nice as you feel you are putting something into the economy, but it can be expensive if its every day on holiday ( drinks mainly ). so we eat out every other day or so when over there.

Ive often wondered if you can use the one in Calis if you are booked in the one in Olu Deniz.

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