Author Topic: Refugees found dead in truck  (Read 18738 times)

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Offline usedbustickets

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Re: Refugees found dead in truck
« Reply #60 on: September 15, 2015, 12:44:35 PM »
Thanks John, at least there is one person out there reading and responding.  However, I have taken the precaution of launching a new dedicated thread on the subject, to see if that generates any more debate!!

I had a look at the video, sorry to say that it looked like a bit of free publicity from the BBC for a wanna-be comedian choosing a subject matter where he could score maximum impact.  You know like the BBC do on a grander scale with Lloyd-Webber (and his mate Cameron Macintosh) using the BBC for publicity for his/their next money spinner reprieved West End musical!  Any way back to the less than serious video, I find it hard to believe that he didn't find a Swede who was not in favour of mass migration

Offline JohnF

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Re: Refugees found dead in truck
« Reply #61 on: September 15, 2015, 13:47:46 PM »
The video was a bit of fun, not to be taken seriously.  It made me laugh, I thought I'd share  :)


Offline kevin3

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Re: Refugees found dead in truck
« Reply #62 on: September 15, 2015, 14:40:51 PM »
My view is that the Syrian refugees belong in Syria. Their President's response to their calls for a democratic system
has been to slaughter them by any means possible, aided and financed by Putin and the Iranians. Although I am not
a fan of interfering in other peoples countries I believe that if the US and the UK had gone ahead and lobbed a couple
of dozen cruise missiles on Assad's favorite assets he would have got around the table and negotiated a new system.
Milliband agreed with Camerons plan but pulled out at the last minute to score cheap political points. Since then
hundreds of thousands of Syrian people have been slaughtered and not a word of an alternative way of saving them
from Milliband, or anyone else for that matter, everyone has stood by.
Then the tragic image of a little boys dead body was flashed around the world, and suddenly the world developed a
conscience and the brainless prats in the EU decided to move Syria into Europe. Much easier than getting rid of the
b##tard that has driven the survivors out of their own country. And i'm fairly sure the worst is yet to come.
In this digital age the mobiles are buzzing  and poorer populations can see the floodgates have been kicked down.

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