Author Topic: Nationwide Newsletter  (Read 1755 times)

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Nationwide Newsletter
« on: November 26, 2013, 17:27:15 PM »
One of my banks, Nationwide, has sent me an email newsletter. It has lots of articles to read - Toys of Christmas Past, Britain's Most popular Superstitions Explained, Five Ideas to Beat Cabin Fear (about how to go outdoors), Winter Preparation Not to Forget (on making your house safe in the winter), and such like. Very kind to send me all these articles; just what you want from a bank isn't it? Unfortunately, there is nothing about Nationwide's performance in investing in small and medium-sized enterprises, nothing about the prospects of increasing the pitifully meagre interest paid on savings, no news on capital holding of the bank in relation to perceived riskiness of banking, or anything like that. Still, I suppose I could read the "news" on toy fads of previous Christmases.

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