Author Topic: *THAT* Face & A Sharp Intake of Breath  (Read 14664 times)

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Offline WordBird

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*THAT* Face & A Sharp Intake of Breath
« on: November 20, 2013, 15:10:06 PM »
I know there have been similar posts before but some people's reactions when you say you're moving to Turkey make me so mad!

Saw someone this morning for coffee and told her we were leaving the UK. Obviously she asked where we were going....

No sooner had I said "Turkey" than she made *that* face and gave the sharp intake of breath.

I said: "I know, I know - no, I won't have to wear a burka and we're nowhere near Syria" in a jokey way, and she said: "It's not that, it's just one of my cousins moved there for five years, then came back saying it was awful."

She has no idea where her cousin moved to.
She has no idea why it all went wrong or what the problems were.
She has no idea why they fell totally out of love with the place/country and came home.

In fact, apart from knowing he and his family sold up lock, stock and barrel and moved there, to return disillusioned after five years, she couldn't tell me anything.

So why do it? Why try and p*$% all over somebody's strawberries when you can't actually give any evidence or reasons for it?

I'm not expecting it to be giggles and skipping among the daisies all the way. There will be things I don't like, find difficult and will no doubt make me miserable. But to assume that one person's bad experience will be yours....

I did point out - with restraint - that I could come on here and find plenty of people who would vouch for how wonderful it is.

Rant over (for now).  >:( >:( >:(

Offline Anne

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Re: *THAT* Face & A Sharp Intake of Breath
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2013, 15:14:22 PM »
Unfortunately there are always some who feel the need to pass judgement on subjects they know naff all about

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Re: *THAT* Face & A Sharp Intake of Breath
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2013, 15:24:59 PM »
Sounds as though she might have touched upon a tiny bit of doubt maybe ?

Offline Scunner

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Re: *THAT* Face & A Sharp Intake of Breath
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2013, 15:29:15 PM »
Anne has it right - it was no different 10 years ago, maybe even worse. People couldn't believe we were taking kids aged 3 to Turkey, where the people have big bushy beards and curly toed shoes and live in tents in the desert.

Their ignorance, their loss.

Offline marina

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Re: *THAT* Face & A Sharp Intake of Breath
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2013, 15:30:20 PM »
Much as we love Turkey we don't feel the desire to move there permanently, just spend longer there when we've both retired.    :)

However, that would never make me pass judgement on someone who is making that move.  In fact I admire them for having the guts to do it.

Anne is right, you'll always get someone who thinks they know better when in fact they know far less than you.

Ignore them WordBird, you've done your research, you know it won't all be plain sailing at least at first, but you're still going.

Good luck to you and all the others who are making the move!
« Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 21:47:54 PM by marina »

Offline WordBird

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Re: *THAT* Face & A Sharp Intake of Breath
« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2013, 15:42:09 PM »
Anne has it right - it was no different 10 years ago, maybe even worse. People couldn't believe we were taking kids aged 3 to Turkey, where the people have big bushy beards and curly toed shoes and live in tents in the desert.

Their ignorance, their loss.

Ha! This is exactly how my aunt thinks it will be!  ;D

Scorcher - I honestly don't doubt what we're doing. I'm just getting fed up of all the nay-sayers who think the world revolves around our somewhat judgemental and up-its-own-backside little town. 

My daughter's headteacher was a breath of fresh air. Her view was: "Good for you, go for it. If you don't, you'll always wonder 'what if?'."
(Or maybe my daughter is really a nightmare at school and she wants her out!!!  ;D )
« Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 16:00:08 PM by WordBird »

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Re: *THAT* Face & A Sharp Intake of Breath
« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2013, 15:43:26 PM »
Unfortunately WordBird it would not matter where you were moving either abroad or in the UK someone will always have a negative slant.

Quite often you will find that these are the kind/type of person who never move out of their comfort zone whether this is 10 or 100 miles and probably has the same meals on the same day of the week..............oops if there is anyone on here who does this sorry   ;)  ;)

Good luck to anyone who chooses to do something different.

Offline Jacqui Harvey

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Re: *THAT* Face & A Sharp Intake of Breath
« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2013, 17:15:25 PM »
Lots of people who make judgements have never been to Turkey.  I met a girl I had been friends with when our kids were at school together.   We had not seen each other for a number of years.  I remembered she always went to Jersey on holiday.   I told her we had a place in Turkey and went every year.  She gave me that look and said  "I would never go to Turkey, it's a dirty place".    Of course, she had never been..  Glad I have not seen her for years.

Offline echogirl1

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Re: *THAT* Face & A Sharp Intake of Breath
« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2013, 18:40:04 PM »
When I say I'm off to Turkey again, my best friend's husband always says "you wont get me to go there, its full of murdering Arabs".  This from a person who thinks Tenerife is the place to be!!!

Offline Kevin Sowten

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Re: *THAT* Face & A Sharp Intake of Breath
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2013, 18:58:00 PM »
Well I saw Midnight Express so would never consider going near the place !!!    ;)  ;)  ;)

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