Sigh, the thing I hate the most is the horrendous bullying of Moslems by the Islamic? mafia from Pakistan the Biradari. Bradford has become like Chicago in the 1920's but its not Al Capone its Mohammed bin Drug Lord!
By pandering to their hatred by avoiding using the word Christmas which a lot of councils do makes me very angry indeed.
This is and should be a secular state but the vast majority would consider themselves Christian, (they are not of course, religion isn't about where you are born it is a belief and living to a code), and therefore they have the right to put "merry Christmas" etc, where they hell they like and nobody including the Moslems, Jews, Janes or Zoroastrians should complain!
Not far from where I live there are always signs up and Menorah decorations on Jewish Holy Days, nobody should be offended. There are areas where you will see lights for Divali, and don't think about going to Rusholme at Eid al Fitr

unless you like playing sardines! I think it is great, we all seem to get along, but its not like that in a lot of Lancashire!
Khoda Hafez!