The hijab is an insult.
It is an insult to the women who wear it and the women who don't wear it. It's an insult to men.
My background is as a Muslim woman. I have never been forced to wear anything. I have, however, chosen to cover my hair when in certain company. I chose to do this supposedly out of a mark of respect. When actually, if I'm truthful, it was to prevent embarrassment. Mine and theirs.
The burka or hijab (there are differences but for this post I refer to the full body covering robes and covered face) has absolutely nothing to do with religion. There's not one section of the Quran that dictates a woman should dress in this way. Only a reference to both men and women dressing modestly.
Men chose to force women to cover themselves. This is because women are seen as only sexual objects, placed here on earth to gratify men and give birth. Therefore every nuance of shape, hint of lip or in some cases, glint of eye, must be disguised and shrouded.
Men are so unable to control their lustful feelings and desires, that temptation should be removed from them as much as possible. Women should be only shadows unless they are in the bedroom waiting for their husband.
Women who do not cover themselves in such a way, are inferior Muslim women, far less pious and worthy, or even corrupt Western women, who have no dignity or self respect.
It's an insult to everyone.
Muslim women who declare they are feminists and wear the hijab as a choice are lying to themselves.
They are 'allowed' to be strident and speak out and demonstrate their intelligence because they still dress like a good Muslim woman. They don't therefore offend their families and honour quite so much.