Author Topic: Problems with either TV or Digiturk  (Read 3460 times)

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Problems with either TV or Digiturk
« on: December 18, 2012, 09:26:26 AM »
Hi, I wonder if anyone is having the same problems as me. I have bought a new flat screen tv, after upgrading from my old half ton one. The problem is I am connected to Digiturk, and sometimes whilst watching the screen will suddenly split in 2 with a vertical black line down the centre. It will either stay like this or re-adjust itself back to normal, this can go on all night or just once or twice. The picture also flickers whilst this is happening. I don’t think it’s the tv as it doesn’t happen all the time, and some nights not at all. I have watched dvds on the tv with no problems. Before I call out Digiturk and pay 20 lira, I just wonder if anyone else has had this problem.

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Re: Problems with either TV or Digiturk
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2012, 10:48:03 AM »
Is it an LG tv? We had an LG tv and had exactly the same thing. Eventually the black strip down the middle stayed there. The repair cost was more than the tv, so we bought a new one.  When the old one was collected the man said he collects a lot of LG and another make (can't remember which) that have the same problem.
Hope it is digiturk, but I wouldn't rule out the tv being at fault.

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Re: Problems with either TV or Digiturk
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2012, 12:23:54 PM »
Thanks for the reply. Just to update you, someone suggested changing the scart lead. I had a spare one, so on Thursday I replaced the lead and guess what....... no more problems.

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