Author Topic: Season over for Hisaronu ?  (Read 15495 times)

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Offline laffa

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Re: Season over for Hisaronu ?
« Reply #30 on: October 17, 2012, 19:21:01 PM »
Glad my comments attracted some response. I can understand what everyone has said and there are many factors which influence people's decisions, my comments were just my thoughts.
Exactly, each to their own,  and personally if the flights were cheaper we would have been back a few more times, but probably opt for a cheapy in Spain, or maybe somewhere else,

Offline desmartinson

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Re: Season over for Hisaronu ?
« Reply #31 on: October 18, 2012, 09:25:49 AM »
Ovacik2, you are  entitled to your opinion as anyone is, mine, i would rather live on Mars than the UK, WORKED 46 Years never claimed a penny of the state, and now see the so called Great Britain welcome the whole of other nationalities in and give them houses to live in and cash benefits have cars mobile phones, tv,s etc, and they will tell you it is their HUMAN RIGHTS, as for looking at jewellery shops, men dancing on bars, etc. try setting your alarm clock and the  go out at 4 or 5am and see the police trying to control our fellow brits who are out of their heads on drink and drugs, young girls vomiting on the streets having sex openly in full view of anyone, and not batting an eyelid,and you my friend have to pay for all this through extortionate taxes,so you enjoy the best of both worlds as you put it, because when you are up there is only one other way to go and that is down.

Offline Marggie

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Re: Season over for Hisaronu ?
« Reply #32 on: October 18, 2012, 09:49:03 AM »
The person who made reference to Jewellery Shops, dancing on bars and 12 Island trips was AndrewH not Ovacik2!!  Ovacik2 sighted these reasons for slagging off Hisaranu as being laughable.

Offline Seboni121

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Re: Season over for Hisaronu ?
« Reply #33 on: October 25, 2012, 14:43:33 PM »
Well I didn't see any of this kind of behaviour but luckily wasn't there in the summer, hissi is a nice place wifey liked it better than feithye ? , the only problem we has was the Monday market totally bloody awful IMO they where to aggressive, the Tuesday market was much more civilised ( feithye ) maybe that's why we spent a few bob, someone really should let the stall holders know they will earn more by being less in your face, hisaronu dying ? A lot of the shops where closed and looked that way for years, the little shop which has a couple of steps to go down into it opposite the Chinese restaurant where the crossroads are said he has had a good year and is looking forward to next year, the issue we had also is the street lights down to hotel was turned off as it was end of season but the hotel was full ? Ascena village and at night with the wild boars roaming wasn't clever or safe

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