Ovacik2, you are entitled to your opinion as anyone is, mine, i would rather live on Mars than the UK, WORKED 46 Years never claimed a penny of the state, and now see the so called Great Britain welcome the whole of other nationalities in and give them houses to live in and cash benefits have cars mobile phones, tv,s etc, and they will tell you it is their HUMAN RIGHTS, as for looking at jewellery shops, men dancing on bars, etc. try setting your alarm clock and the go out at 4 or 5am and see the police trying to control our fellow brits who are out of their heads on drink and drugs, young girls vomiting on the streets having sex openly in full view of anyone, and not batting an eyelid,and you my friend have to pay for all this through extortionate taxes,so you enjoy the best of both worlds as you put it, because when you are up there is only one other way to go and that is down.