Author Topic: Ovacik dog poisoning.  (Read 6205 times)

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Offline vinvola

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Ovacik dog poisoning.
« on: November 19, 2011, 08:52:02 AM »
I have been asked to post this on behalf of the people involved, in order to raise awareness to the problem. Please read.

Offline ilrifugio

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Ovacik dog poisoning.
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2011, 14:28:35 PM »
After our dear friend Julia passed away, it was 'Eddie' that kept Adam having to get out of the house, which was good and therapeutic.  The b.....rd that poisened 'eddie' has no idea what he has done! What is wrong with these people! The nature of mankind, can be measured by the way they treat those who are weaker than themselves. Whoever did this horrible act, just proven to be inhumane. I hope - when they catch him - they will punish him accordingly!
« Last Edit: November 19, 2011, 14:30:54 PM by ilrifugio »

Offline Scunner

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Ovacik dog poisoning.
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2011, 14:59:48 PM »
Is there a reason behind these acts - like are they dogs that bark at night or something, or is it just indiscriminate cruelty?

Offline nichola

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Ovacik dog poisoning.
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2011, 15:13:24 PM »
This happens every year in Ovacik, and elsewhere - the most likely explanation is that the poison is put down to kill the wild boar.

It isn't nice and we too lost our lovely Jale who adopted us when we moved to a new house. I was convinced at the time that it was deliberate poisoning but came to realise later that it probably wasn't.

I think within a space of a few days four maybe five dogs were all poisoned.

The only thing to do is to make sure that dogs are kept on leads at all times - that is the law now anyway, and ensure they don't eat anything when out.

Offline KKOB

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Ovacik dog poisoning.
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2011, 15:43:40 PM »
In most cases it just total thoughtlessness. They put the poison down mainly to kill boar and polecats. They don't give any thought to the possibility that dogs are also likely to pick it up. And, as dogs have very little value in their lives, they'll continue to do so even though it's illegal.

We lost 2 dogs to poisoning whilst in Kaya. We also lost 30 odd Turkey chicks to polecats and it's pretty certain that our dogs died as a result of one of our neighbours putting down poison to protect their livestock.

Offline ceni

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Ovacik dog poisoning.
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2011, 18:19:09 PM »
They also don't seem to give a damn as to where they put it for their own children playing, That alone sums up the total bloody stupidity of some people.

Offline BM06

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Ovacik dog poisoning.
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2011, 22:14:15 PM »
Well having lived in Ovacik for over 12 years, I had a stunning kangol bitch from the Turkish national vets university in Konya, the idea was to get the pure breed back into the national dog of Turkey, I had to wait 16 months for my baby and she was a stunner, after 14 months of me and her getting to know each other some scum bag poisoned her by attaching a pellet of poison to a piece of meat and throwing it into my garden, she (my Elsa) was treated like a daughter, she was a pet and one of the family kept indoors of a night and treated like a lady (which she was),she never barked at night, was never a problem to any of my neighbours (my plot in Ovacik is over 2,0000sqm) why some scum bag did this I do not know, if there was a problem with me or my family they only had to speak to me and it would have been sorted, but being the coward scum that whoever killed my baby took the easy way out, I can honestly say that I have never seen a boar with its stiff legs up in the air after being poisoned in Ovacik 8) so IMHO its just coward scum that's doing it 8)

Offline ceni

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Ovacik dog poisoning.
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2011, 13:48:52 PM »
Totally agree with you BM06. Scumbags and I also think there is a huge amount of jealousy involved. It makes me so angry, our Kangal was shot by the stupid old *stard who lived near us, then totally denied having a gun when the jandarma questioned him,, I felt like going round and stuffing the gun up his ****!then telling him to deny he had it!

It's a great pity we did not have a similar attitude when his horse used to break free and head straight for our garden, but being civilised we just used to keep an eye on it until one of his family realised the bloody thing had gone.

Offline grizabella

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Ovacik dog poisoning.
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2011, 16:32:29 PM »
Made me so sad to read all of your posts.To lose a family pet is hard enough but to lose one through another persons greed,jealousy or stupidity must be heartbreaking.I'm not surprised you are all furious with the situation and agree with the above posts.Yes,all of them,even Ceni's.

Offline Old Daffodil

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Ovacik dog poisoning.
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2011, 19:11:04 PM »
So sorry to hear that your lovely Kangal was poisoned. It must have been heart breaking for you.

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