I have been living in Turkey for a long time and I've heard and seen a lot but the country continues to surprise me.
How shocking that a lawyer - or apparently - several lawyers, certified translators and notaries have all be involved in such a rip off and have more or less committed fraud.
The Turkish inheritance law is quite similar to the Dutch law which means that you are not really able to change your beneficiaries. If you for example cut a son or daughter out of your will, he/she still has the right to claim the heritance. With that knowledge, the Turkish law doesn't seem strange to me.
I have no knowledge about the UK heritance law but if you are actually able to chose your beneficiaries the Turkish law might seem strange to you. And - as apparently has been the case with you - if you have been made to believe that you could change your beneficiaries, I fully understand your anger and your desire to change the law.
My initial reaction was based upon the fact that foreigners are trying to change a Turkish law that most Turkish people seem to agree with.
@Firo, I have been fortunate enough not to have come across dodgy lawyers. Personally I don't think that age is really a matter since we are all mortal.
@Milliemars, I haven't claimed to be the only Dutch living in Ovacik. I wrote that I was the only Dutch that I knew of. (Actually meeting other Dutch people was the reason for me to join this forum but that is off topic).
To continue briefly off topic, I would like to thank Scunner for allowing me to finish this discussion. I'll be leaving this forum because of privacy issues but I wish you the best on this forum and I sincerely hope that you will be able to resolve your heritance issues.