Author Topic: why are cars so more expensive than the uk  (Read 3296 times)

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Offline welshbrickie

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why are cars so more expensive than the uk
« on: October 02, 2010, 18:27:56 PM »
Hi to all.
As turkey is slowly entering the EU I would have thought the prices of vehicles would start to decrease.Last year a company from india started to produce cars made in turkey and was looking forward to maybe purchasing one, as the cost was under £2000.I have yet to see any sign of them or seen any on the market.
Has anyone any ideas of when cars will decrease in price or any change in the tax laws to decrease the import duty,Or do we have to suffer buying an affordable wreck that would sell for £20 in the uk aution rooms:-\

Offline Scunner

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why are cars so more expensive than the uk
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2010, 18:34:25 PM »
Huge import duties and taxes.

Car prices will decrease when Turkey is prevented from having said taxes as part of becoming a full member of the single European market.

So the answer to your question is probably never.

Offline simpsons

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why are cars so more expensive than the uk
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2010, 20:51:46 PM »
In England, Ive scrapped better cars than you see on the roads over here.

Offline starman™

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why are cars so more expensive than the uk
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2010, 09:18:54 AM »
You should have seen the price of cars 15 years ago. They are a lot cheaper now.

Offline c1

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why are cars so more expensive than the uk
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2010, 12:02:37 PM »
fuel and car related business seems to do well in turkey dispite the high taxes, round evry corner is smart new filling station etc. It is one of the few ways Turkish government can get any revenue as lot of local business is cash based of which the tax man never sees his cut.

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