if anyone under the age of 65 (people over 65 have problems getting insurance, im not being ageist) is moving to Turkey then i seriously recommend buying some kind of insurance. Ive been living here in Turkey for nearly a year and last christmas i found out i was pregnant, to my very surprise as i was told 2 years ago i couldnt have any more kids. So to cut a long story short i ended up in hospital with a etopic pregnancy that burst in my tube. Well i didnt have any kind of insurance to pay the bill with and the total cost of my op was over 1000 pounds, yes pounds. Alright if your a millionaire but i am not. I always thought if my daughter got sick doesnt matter how much i will pay not thinking anything bad like that would happen to me, but it did and all my savings gone. A lesson and i have learned the hard way. Threw my pocket.