I once spoke with a bloke in Saudi Arabia who went to school with Tony Blair, before he was elected, I asked what he was like
and he replied "he was a little **** and it does not look to me like he has changed"!
Well, all that apart, ISIL must be destroyed in my view, and good on the Arab Nations that have joined the fight and
the Dutch for bombing their installations. I hate appeasement, it never has worked, if when Hitler had marched into the Rhineland illegally
in 1937 Britain and France had attacked there probably would have been no WW2. But of course I speak as an ex soldier, softly, softly has a price, we know this, its called even more graves in the future.
Blair I agree with everything I have read here, (the Middle East Peace Envoy who never dares get off his f...... yacht and go there), but we must respond with maximum overwhelming force, then, unlike Iraq, we leave, no attempt to force western style Government, remove the cancer and leave
the body to heal.