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Offline stoop

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Re: Apple TV
« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2014, 12:45:01 PM »
I have Apple tv in the UK and it's great for watching up to date films/live soccer etc. Unfortunately unless your ipad in jailbroken it won't play anything that needs flash - so small screen watching doesn't wlays work as well.

However I have a new toy  :)

Whils still using my Apple TV for films, series and catch up TV I have now bought myself a Google Chromecast:!3391!3!45236857415!!!g!66754607348!&ef_id=VGuxjQAAAcOTxj5G:20141209123807:s

I find this great for watching live footy through my PC or laptop. I simply log on to my pc/laptop, find a game to watch through wiziwig and then 'cast' it to my lounge TV from my office.

At the moment you can get BBC iplayer on it but not ITV or Ch4. However if you go through filmon or tv catchup then these are 'castable'.

£30 is the retail price but I saw them for £18 on black Friday so shop around.

You can also play youtube and cast all your photo's onto your tv with it.

Not quite as good as Apple TV but much easier to set up and I can get my footy onto my tv in a jiffy.

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Re: Apple TV
« Reply #21 on: December 11, 2014, 20:29:43 PM »
Stoop if it is an Apple TV 2 you can jail break the Apple TV and then you don't need the ipad

Offline stoop

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Re: Apple TV
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2014, 12:57:04 PM »

My apple tv 2 is already jailbroken. What I am saying is that I can get most of the same stuff - football and TV wise - much faster thgrough my PC or laptop and 'cast' the images to my TV through google chromecast.

Whilst I will still use my apple tv for movies I don't really see the point in booting it up for the football when my PC is much faster at getting it on the big tv.

Unfortunately the ipad does not have flash so many of the football links don't work. If they did I could simply 'cast' them accross as well.

Not saying it's better than apple tv but it's a much easier alternative for those with a decent PC or laptop.

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