Author Topic: Good or bad  (Read 6756 times)

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Offline johntaylor49

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Re: Good or bad
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2013, 12:45:27 PM »
Serious note now I think the Royal Mail Postal service is possibly the best in the World and even Margaret Thatcher opposed privatising it! By allowing open competition for many years we eroded the value of the whole and hence made areas of it look unprofitable. It is a national service and as such should remain as it is and not be privatised. If British Rail had been given the development money and allowed to borrow on the open market we would have a better and cheaper railways system. They were run down into a disaster then the people operating a broken system were blamed!  I cant think of anywhere in the World you can be pretty sure of a letter taking no more than 48 hours to arrive for less than a pound, and lets not forget the low costs of international mail from the UK!

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