Most of the cats in the area are feral cats and they will roam and do what ever they want to. We try and discourage them, with limited success, with a water pistol.
We have been adopted by 3 cats, we have had them neutered, and we give them some food twice a day. They do not come into the house and when we are away they have to look after themselves.
We also give the odd scraps , along with some of our Turkish neighbours, to half a dozen bin cats.Some have the bin cats have been neutered some have not.
Yesterday, we discovered a cat with seven kittens in our wood pile. When they are a few weeks older we will try and catch them and take them to the animal sanctuary and let them sort the problem.
None of these cats are ours but we do what we can. Are we selfish so and so's who allow cats to crap in other peoples gardens or do we let them all starve? Or, do we leave people alone to, by whatever means they can, and prevent strays from using their gardens as a toilet?